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News > General > Christmas Message from the Headmistress

Christmas Message from the Headmistress

Headmistress Antonia Beary shares news of the School in her annual Christmas Message
18 Dec 2020
Christmas in the Courtyard
Christmas in the Courtyard

Welcome to our first edition of the Old Cornelian E-Newsletter!  We will be producing this new communication on a termly basis, in addition to the annual Old Cornelian magazine, to keep you up-to-date with news from OCs and from Mayfield.  I am delighted that we are ending the year on such a positive note. I have been beginning to put pen to paper – or fingers to keys – to write to OCs again since the beginning of this half term, but it is only now that I have finally finished, so I am delighted that this newsletter is such a convenient vehicle for my greetings!

I would like to begin by welcoming our Class of 2020 leavers to the OC community – a community which I know will support, nurture and sustain you throughout your life, and one which have already have heard so much about during your time at Mayfield. Welcome!

You have been in my thoughts and prayers over the last few months and, of course, in November those OCs and members of the SHCJ who have had such an impact on us were our particular focus as a School community. We have had a number of venerable OCs who have died over the past few months and our hearts go out to their grieving families. Thank you to those loyal friends who have provided obituaries. I never cease to be impressed by the enduring quality of OC friendships. You are an inspiration!

Now we are fast approaching Christmas... Where has the year gone? Perhaps it will not be quite the celebration we would have anticipated this time last year, or that we had hoped for, but one which I trust finds you well and coping with the vicissitudes of COVID, wherever you are in the world. I am sure that in true Mayfield style, you will make the best of it.

Live Crib has, inevitably, been affected by COVID, but it is still happening. We are not able to be open to the public, or even OCs, but we are filming a version that will be sent out to you all, after the end of term[JW1] .  Christmas Eve mass will still take place in the Chapel but places are limited as we will have to ensure that everyone is social distanced, so if you would like to attend, you will need to book your place – please see the entry below with details of mass and the link to reserve a space.

It has been a busy term at Mayfield, in spite of the limitations of COVID, as we have endeavoured to continue as close to normal as possible.  It will not surprise you to hear that the staff have been amazing, as ever, with even the most ostensibly technophobic rising to the challenge, and embracing the joy of virtual lessons when necessary, so that Mayfield girls have continued to attend lessons uninterrupted, even when they were in lockdown or precautionary isolation. We have been able to continue our music and LAMDA lessons, sport and inter-house competitions, albeit in a modified way to ensure that girls and staff have remained as safe as possible.

Lectures and talks have been predominantly on Zoom or Microsoft Teams and of particular note was one organised by our Head girl Natasha Muhamba[JW2] , who arranged for undergraduate medic Malone Mukwende to talk to the girls about his pioneering work on diagnosing disease in dark-coloured skin.  We include links below to a selection of Cornelian Lectures that the girls have enjoyed this term and hope you will enjoy them too.

I hope that some of you will feel that you are able to share your life and work experiences through this medium, especially if hitherto the prospect of traveling back to Mayfield has deterred you? Thank you to all those who have been in touch over the course of the last year.  We have received communications from OCs across six continents, from Mayfield village all the way to Eastern and Western Australia, and many places in between including France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Belgium, Kenya, Guatemala, USA, the Cayman Islands, the Falkland Islands, and Hong Kong!  Thank you all for keeping in touch.

We remain extremely grateful to the many OCs who have donated their time, energy and ideas to help the School, their fellow OCs, and the current Cornelians – International Women’s Day, Drama Extravaganza, careers talks, supplying PPE during lockdown.  Thanks in advance go to those of you who have offered your service in support of January’s ‘People like Me’ workshops to inspire the girls in their study of, and potential career in, science.  Our Year 7s and 8s have another fascinating series of talks in store! Mrs Amanda Glubb, our Careers Co-ordinator is refreshing our database and would be really interested in hearing from you – whatever your background, and whether you have not been in touch with the School for some time, or whether you are a recent graduate.  Further information on our careers-related and mentoring initiatives can be found below, together with a link to update our records – we are very grateful for your support, which is invaluable for OCs and for our current pupils.

We continue to launch initiatives to bring members of the Mayfield community – far and wide – together. As many of you know, October 2021 marks the 175th anniversary of the Foundation of the order. The Society’s first mass was celebrated on 15th October, the feast of St Teresa of Avila, and we will be celebrating an international mass in Mayfield, bringing together SHCJ schools from around the world.  I hope that OCs will also be able to join us.  Other events are planned to bring the SHCJ schools together to celebrate our joint heritage.  And don’t forget: 2022 marks the 150th anniversary of the opening of Mayfield and so there are more celebrations in store... Watch this space!

Under the direction of Julie Gabriel our Librarian, herself an OC, we are launching an initiative that we hope responds to the spirit of the age, and we would like your help. We want to ensure that our international boarders do not lose touch with, and indeed are able to strengthen, their knowledge of their own culture while studying at Mayfield, and also to share it with their peers. If you are of non-British heritage, we are looking for recommendations which you think will help better inform all our girls... To this end we are keen to have texts in the original and in translation. For more information please review the information below and the link to submit recommendations – I look forward to hearing your suggestions!

Finally, I am delighted to announce that Dr. Marie-Sophie Reijers, a current member of staff and current Mayfield parent, who was introduced to the School by OC friends, will be taking responsibility for OC liaison.  Marie-Sophie, together with Amanda Glubb, our Careers Co-ordinator, will be working with our Director of Development, Mrs Cora Saint, from January to extend our outreach to OCs and their families. Please do feel free to get in touch and introduce yourselves at 

Term is hurtling to a close and for many it cannot come too soon enough. Some of our boarders have returned home early (and are accessing lessons on line) so that they can quarantine and be with their families for Christmas. Others are staying with guardians or host families over Christmas as it is not sensible to return home. Some girls have been in School since the middle of August! Please remember these girls particularly in your prayers, as we remember each of you.

I hope that, wherever you are in the world, you are safe and able to celebrate the truly important things this Christmas, in[JW3]  and at peace.

With my best wishes for a happy and holy Christmas,

Antonia Beary

MA MPhil (Cantab), PGCE



Mayfield School, The Old Palace, Mayfield, East Sussex, TN20 6PH.

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